Have you ever wonder if leaving the key of your car on the dumper or behind the closest rock is still safe? We have the answer for your car key problems. Simple to use, handy and hard as f*ck, Range Key Lock makes you surf relaxed without having to look...

Have you ever wonder if leaving the key of your car on the dumper or behind the closest rock is still safe? We have the answer for your car key problems. Simple to use, handy and hard as f*ck, Range Key Lock makes you surf relaxed without having to look if your car is still there every 5 minutes.

Vinyl coated scratch free shackle.

Easily secures to door handles, roof racks and car rim tires.

Higher engineering.

All weatherproof casing, scratch free design.

Shutter door protects code locking mechanism.


Inner Size: 69.5 x 28.6 x 108 mm

External Size: 80.2 x 42.9 x 126.6 MM

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